I'm Coy

I Design & Build Crafted Web Experiences

About me

A small introduction about myself

Coy Woolard

Web & Software Developer from North Carolina

It technically all began in 1990. It was the first trip to the computer lab in Mrs. Singleton's kindergarten class. The first time I ever used a keyboard and made things happen on the screen by pressing buttons and clicking a mouse. I knew then what I wanted to do when I grew up. Fast-forward to 2008 I offically began crafting websites with HTML and CSS, then I threw in JavaScript and the jQuery library. Soon after that I began to experiment with with PHP and MySQL. Then, wanting to learn more about programming and development, I started working with C++, C#. I checked out and thoroughly enjoyed developing in Objective-C (the language used to develop iOS applications).

I am a driven individual and look to improve and optimize software methods where I work and strive for the best in everything I do.

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Technical Skills

I can say i’m quite good at


The language of the world wide web.


Making websites dynamic since 1995.


A tried and true database software.


Used for web page interactivity.


An awesome library written in JavaScript.


Used to make native iPhone/iPad apps.

Work Experience

My previous associations

May, 2014


Mobile Developer/Software Engineer

Working with a great team and developing awesome software.

November, 2009
May, 2014

Flanders Corporation

Senior Web Application Developer

Created and worked with business tools, websites and even an iPhone application.


Circuit 26 Design

Lead Developer

Working with a fantastic graphic designer. Circuit 26 Design created beautiful custom websites and web applications.

Education & Diplomas

What I have done in my academic career

December, 2009

BS in Management and Organizational Development

University of Mount Olive

Organization development is a deliberately planned, organization-wide effort to increase an organization's effectiveness and/or efficiency and/or to enable the organization to achieve its strategic goals.

June, 2010

AS in Web Technologies

Pitt County Community College

Focused on web standards and programming and development theory.


Masters Degree in Software Engineering

East Carolina University

As my best fiend would say, I'm studying to become a master. I'm pursuing this degree to hone my development abilities and apply them to future projects.

Get In Touch

Please feel free if you would like to have a chat.

Contact details

Based in North Carolina



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